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- a collection of the creative thought of human society and the results of the resulting activity

Various football podcasts and opinion pieces have appeared on the Estonian football scenery, where former players, journalists and other sports fans discuss various football matters. However, since the broadcast time is short and the number of page columns is limited, often the approaches to most important topics remain very superficial with statements that lack both a clear context and solution.

The danger is that co-thinkers (and in fact mostly opinion-leaders themselves) develop less-objective or limited understandings, which in turn can end up as incompetent practice in our everyday football life.

A wise man once said that “you can't contribute to the outside without first collecting in oneself. The lion's share of people tend to express their views and be productive as soon as possible, without first analyzing and learning" (I too tend to make that mistake all the time). "However, this is not an effective way to move forward and develop, because the desired productivity cannot be good if nothing is collected inside beforehand". 

It was for this reason I got the idea to start a blog about the important topics of Estonian football. Collecting new information and formulating it to wisdom offers a sweet challenge and is essential for creating new, higher-quality references.

Debate vs Discussion

In his book on life and work culture, "Principles", investment guru Ray Dalio defines the nature of debate and discussion as follows:

"if a debate involves confronting another point of view and unwaveringly arguing the truth of one's point of view, discussion means, in addition to argumentation, an effort to understand the other side. In the end, it doesn't matter which party is right - both parties are trying to get closer to a more objective and better result."

The purpose of the created blog is to start or continue a discussion about the topics raised in the Estonian football scene, which hopefully, through high-quality discussion, will contribute to the enrichment of our cultural space, creating as objective connections as possible and practicing better solutions.


Wishing for a high-quality exchange of ideas,

Mario Hansi

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